Big brother/sister mice fit this tricycle perfectly. Mice with magnets in their hands can easily hold the handles. This beautiful bike comes in a garage box to expand the play. A basket and a hanger can be bought separately and added to the handlebar.
A classic Maileg item. This mouse is ready for hours of play and sleeps tight in the little matchbox. The clothes and bed linen are made of soft fabrics with unique prints in beautiful colors. Extend the story by adding accessories to the play
Big sister mouse is ready for a day in school, carrying her backpack on the back. She has magnets in her hands so she can hold the handles of the tricycle for a fast trip.
Big Sister mouse is ready for a day in school, carrying her backpack on the back. She has magnets in her hands so she can hold the handles of the tricycle for a fast trip.
A classic Maileg item. The famous fairytale "the princess and the pea" is the inspiration behind this playset. The set includes a castle with mattresses, a pea and a princess mouse. Combine this set with other mice and accessories for more play.
A mouse ready for hours of fun on the slopes during the cold wintertime. Each playset contains a warmly dressed mouse with a pair of ski and poles. Look at the tiny knitted hat that will keep the ears warm.
A lovely red sleigh with a soft mattress to keep the passengers warm and comfortable during the ride. This sleigh fits the smallest friends and mice perfectly. It has beautiful handpainted details - variation may occur.