Sullivan The Sperm Whale is a mighty marvel, gliding through the ocean with a flip of their tail. Mossy-blue with a cream textured tummy, stitch-detail fins and a huge nuzzle nose, Sullivan loves to snuggle and snooze.
Humphrey The Humpback Whale has the coolest frilled fins and scalloped tail - what a stylish swimmer! With soft graphite fur, an ice-cream tum, deep blue eyes and chunky lips, humungous Humphrey is splendidly handsome! Hold on tight for whale-scale hugs!
Viggo Mammoth might come from the Ice Age, but his squidgy tummy is a lovely warm grey. Viggo has a fleecy hairdo, rumpled ears and flopsy legs, with a wiggly trunk, huge swooping tusks and suedette nails to match!